Monday, August 25, 2008

Unexpected Blessing

Happy Monday every0ne! So this weekend I was on a church retreat Friday and Saturday. It was an awesome time of fellowship and communion with God. One of Scriptures that we focused on was the story of when Jesus came to dine with Mary and Martha. I was convicted (yet again) of my Martha attitude and habits and my longing to just sit at the feet of Jesus, as Mary did. I was also so encouraged as I thought about how Jesus was SO patient and gentle with Martha as she ran around frantically making sure everything "was perfect". How awesome to know that I have been adopted into the family of this Saviour who patiently waits and beckons me to come and just find rest and joy at His feet!

So anyway, while I was at this retreat, I stole a moment to check my email (so Martha-ish!). I had received an email from the Director from "From HIV to Home" - even though she lives in Colorado - we have become fast friends over email as we talk about the many blessings (and few challenges) that come with adopting an HIV+ child. She wrote me to inform me that a family (whom I have never met) will be doing a fund raising walk for me in early September. This family (who also has 2 adopted children from Liberia) will be walking to raise money to help bring little Jeremiah home. Can you believe it? The joy and amazement I feel in knowing that this family would sacrifice their time, money, and energy in order to bless Jeremiah and myself is absolutely amazing. I serve a very big God -a holy God - a God that continues to bless and amaze me in the most unexpected ways. Would you please join me in praying that the fund raising they do is a big success, but more importantly, that God would bless this family in amazing ways for the sacrificial work they are doing!


tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Wow! That's really awesome! I'm still hoping to host a Hope Circle for you and will give you the info soon. Have a great weekend!

Little's said...

Wow, that is wonderful!! did it already happen? How did it go?