It's been a while since I've updated you all on how the adoption is going....this is because well....there's a lot of "hurry up and wait" in an adoption process. For the past (what seems like forever) we've been tweaking my homestudy to reflect my desire to adopt an HIV+ child (hopefully boy) from Ethiopia. That is finally done! YEAH! We've also had to do some research into some extra immigration forms that need to be done to bring an HIV+ child into the U.S. - my worker had never seen these forms before and we had to do some digging to figure out who/when/where these needed to be done. But - we eventually did figure it out. And finally, my Immigration packet to Homeland Security has been sent out as of yesterday! This is a big step in the process - and typically takes between 1-3 months. Once I get "approval" from the big D.C. dudes that I can bring an orphan into the U.S., we will send the full completed packet to Ethiopia and then wait for a referral (a "referral" is when the staff in Ethiopia look at my packet of information and "match" me with a child). I'm not expecting a long wait for my referral simply due tothe incredible number of HIV+ kids that need homes. I'm praying right now that I'll be traveling sometime early 2009 - but I'll certainly keep you all posted as I know more. In the meantime, a big thank-you to all of you for your continued prayers and encouragement! I certainly covet them and am grateful that God has blessed me with so many incredible friends and a great family! My cup overfloweth!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I've been Tagged
Okay - well that happened awhile ago from my dear sister-in-law Brooke, but I haven't gotten around to responding to this challenge until now. So here goes! Enjoy the 10 random, weird, quirky things about me :)
1) I adore sweets. I think this came from my Grandma Keeler who would "reward" herself everyday with a small scoop of ice cream. I sometimes think I really could indeed survive just off deserts!
2) I'm a pretty planful organized girl - so when plans change unexpectedly I tend to not handle it well. Some of you have experienced the joy of watching me "adjust".
3) I have a goal to adopt an HIV+ child from Ethiopia! YEAH!
4) I love painting my toe-nails, but hate pedicures. I only like to use the color pink (or course) on my toes.
5) I love reading and whenever have a little extra money will excitedly purchase some used books on I'd much rather buy books than shoes, clothes, or anything else really.
6) I love taking bubble baths - not a huge fan of showers.
7) Large groups of people make me nervous, I do much better in small groups of one-on-one (it's the Keeler introvert in me!)
8) I love cleaning - it's really therapeutic for me - but I hate grocery shopping and laundry.
9) Did I mention that I hate grocery shopping? I guess that sort of goes along with the fact that I detest cooking (but baking is okay). I should add that I thoroughly enjoy eating - especially when someone else has done the cooking :0
10) I LOVE JESUS and am grateful everyday for the hope and purpose He gives my life!
So most of my friends don't have I'm not sure I can tag anyone else! But thanks again 'sis - hope you get a kick out of the above :)
Posted by Sara at 12:40 PM 1 comments