Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've been Tagged

Okay - well that happened awhile ago from my dear sister-in-law Brooke, but I haven't gotten around to responding to this challenge until now. So here goes! Enjoy the 10 random, weird, quirky things about me :)

1) I adore sweets. I think this came from my Grandma Keeler who would "reward" herself everyday with a small scoop of ice cream. I sometimes think I really could indeed survive just off deserts!

2) I'm a pretty planful organized girl - so when plans change unexpectedly I tend to not handle it well. Some of you have experienced the joy of watching me "adjust".

3) I have a goal to adopt an HIV+ child from Ethiopia! YEAH!

4) I love painting my toe-nails, but hate pedicures. I only like to use the color pink (or course) on my toes.

5) I love reading and whenever have a little extra money will excitedly purchase some used books on Amazon.com. I'd much rather buy books than shoes, clothes, or anything else really.

6) I love taking bubble baths - not a huge fan of showers.

7) Large groups of people make me nervous, I do much better in small groups of one-on-one (it's the Keeler introvert in me!)

8) I love cleaning - it's really therapeutic for me - but I hate grocery shopping and laundry.

9) Did I mention that I hate grocery shopping? I guess that sort of goes along with the fact that I detest cooking (but baking is okay). I should add that I thoroughly enjoy eating - especially when someone else has done the cooking :0

10) I LOVE JESUS and am grateful everyday for the hope and purpose He gives my life!

So most of my friends don't have blogs...so I'm not sure I can tag anyone else! But thanks again 'sis - hope you get a kick out of the above :)


tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Thanks for rising to the challenge, Sara! Love reading more about you! :)