Monday, April 28, 2008

The EXCITING news!

I'm in the process of adopting! (no, not a dog as my step-mom initially thought :) - but of a little girl from Ethiopia! I have had the joyous opportunity to share this incredible news with many of you in person....but for those of you who I haven't connected with, I wanted to make sure I shared with you as well! Many of you know that this is something I've thought about for years....but never had a peace in pursuing it. Several months ago, I felt like God was giving me the go ahead to move forward and so I did - and thus far everything has gone super smoothly (which anyone that has ever experienced adoption will tell you to not expect 100% smooth sailing - which I'm not, but thus far things have progressed with little drama and/or changes). I'll do my best to keep you posted on the process (I'm currently in my home study) and what's going on. I'm so thankful for all of you who have been praying for me (and for this little one) during this time and I cherish your continued prayers! Thank you to all my friends and family who have been so supportive - truly, my cup overfloweth! God has blessed me beyond my wildest expectations and I'm so thankful for each one of you!


jess o said...

What wonderful news, Sara!! Wow! I am really happy for you and will pray blessings of continued peace, clarity and joy thru your process. You're gonna make a stellar mama!!

John , Chris and family said...

Oh Sara!! What wonderful and exciting news!!! That little girl is going to be so blessed with you in her life and of course she will give you many blessings as well! You have always been such a loving person. I have always been proud to call you my niece!! Will pray that things continue to go smoothly! Aunt Chris

Tara said...

Congratulations Sara!